Friday, April 11, 2008

Some sewing progress

I thought I'd show you my projects in a separate post. I wouldn't want to take away from Mallory's post.

This cute little sundress was made from a men's buttondown shirt. This is where I got the idea / instructions if anyone is interested. It was actually pretty easy. I got the shirt at the local Goodwill (along with several others that I plan to reconstruct later) for $3.50, so that's pretty good. I think for the other shirts I will end up putting a little ruffle or something on the bottom and along the top of the makes it look a little girlier. (Is that a word?) I'm even more impressed, since the only measurement I knew of Mallory's (she was in bed when I sewed this) was her chest circumference - the rest I winged. Yay me.

And of course, one silly picture. This is supposed to be her dolls' pack-n-play, but apparently she thinks she fits okay, too. Goofball.

My second project to share comes from here. This one was a little trickier. In fact, I needed Matt to help me figure out how to fold the credit card slots - he needs to feel useful once in a while, no? But, overall, it's not as hard as it looks like it might be. My worst part was getting the snaps in the right way. I actually ended up having to cut the first couple top strips off and start over at one point. My stupid snap pliers doesn't work the way it's supposed to work.

I was planning on keeping this for myself to use in my new (clearance!) purse, but I totally forgot to use the brown piece of fabric that I bought, so it ended up very 70's orange and green. As I was looking at it, I first thought of my sister Tessa. So, the mail fairy made a trip to Fargo with my first fabric wallet. I hope she likes it. :)

Finally, as a grand finale to this post. I managed to get Mallory to make her fish lips. Actually, she was pretty cooperative - it's really even cuter in person.


Anonymous said...

of course my favorite is fishy lips. That one is really cute. so she was cooperative? Does that mean she does it when you ask? that's pretty cool.
you sure are finding alot of sewing projects, although I can't believe you actually Want to make Mallory more Girlie hehehehehe jk.

Jay said...

Love, love, LOVE the dress out of a shirt! That is soooo cool. I will have to add this project to the pile... and there is a pile. Haha.

Great job as usual and love the fish lips girl, too cute.

Jill Brochard said...

I'm so envious of you crafty and creative girls!! So much talent!

Amy said...

Cute fishy lips! SMOOCH!

Anna Marie said...

Look at that adorable dress! I've had a link similar saved on my list of projects for....much too long. :) Oh, and that last picture is TOOOOO MUCH! I love it!!

SarahRachel said...

Love the fishy face. And I'm SO jealous of your craftiness. I read all the directions on the shirt dress and still have no idea how you'd do that.