As mentioned before, my sister Tessa was here visiting with her kitty for the last few days. Just so you can all rest easy, yes, Lolah did wonderfully through surgery (Tessa even watched!) and is doing just fine. See?
I think Lolah will be happy to get home. She really seemed to want to play with our kitties, but wasn't quite sure if it was a good idea. Oh, and kitty #2 has a name! "Daniel" in Daniel Striped Tiger - bonus points to anyone that remembers what tv show he was in. (Mom, you can't guess, because I know that you remember!)
Chloe and Daniel joined me at work on Tuesday for their big day. Everyone is officially "fixed". Oh, and if you were curious, Matt didn't say much at all about there being two kittens. He did ask why, but that was about it (at least to me...he might have said more to other people, but I prefer to be blissfully unaware of any of that!). Although, today he did tell me I should trade them in for a dog. Yeah, because I have time to housetrain a dog right now. Not sure what he was thinking....
I'm hoping Tessa will email me copies of the pictures she took while she was here. My camera has been having battery issues and besides, she got much better pictures than I did. I'll share when I get them.
I also hope that we didn't totally bore Tessa while she was here. She came to work with me on Monday (it was kind of slow, so not terribly exciting) and then joined Mallory and I for ECFE that evening. I had to work all day Tuesday, so she went down to Kasey's and visited Joshua for the day. Mallory stayed home from daycare today and we spent the day with Tessa. There was a quick trip to town to return some boots and to get Mallory a new winter jacket. It's really cute...I'll get a picture. Then home for lunch, playtime, nap....
Tessa left for home this afternoon. Mallory and I did some more playing, had supper, a bath....oh, and munchkin learned a new skill. I'm not sure I'm real impressed. Check it out.
Yes, she is sitting on TOP of the coffee table. Ugh.
Oh, and one more exciting thing for today! Mallory went down for her morning nap without a sippy cup!! We officially got rid of the bottles a couple weeks ago, but she's still gotten a sippy cup of water for naps and bedtime. She doesn't always drink it, but it's a comfort thing. I was pretty excited when I was able to put her in her crib and she went right to sleep today. She did take one for her afternoon nap, but she spilled most of it and then talked herself to sleep. We might get this nap thing down yet! :)