Sunday, October 28, 2007

Yay mailman!

Yep, Mallory's ebay Halloween outfit arrived in time for church. She wasn't feeling terribly cooperative during picture time, but I did manage a couple. They really don't do the outfit justice - it was pretty darn cute!


Anonymous said...

THAT IS SSSOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! I LOVE IT!! I wish I wear it. I am really Happy for you that it arrived on time, very exciting!!!! IT REALLY IS SUPER DUPER DUPER CUTE!! I think she is able to wear it more then around halloween because it is more "fall" it's not like it has ghosts and witches and stuff.. I would wear it as much as possible. hehehe :)

Anonymous said...

oops I just realized it does have ghosts.. ooooooops

Jay said...

Awe! That is too cute for words!