Sunday, November 4, 2007

Meet our newest family members

Mallory gets so excited when we see the kitties outside our house. But unfortunately, they don't seem so fond of her (actually, I can't pet them either, so they're not being picky). So, we (okay, I) decided that she needed a kitty of her own. I'm not exactly sure what Matt will say when he finds out I brought home two kitties, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm pretty sure it will involve lots of eye-rolling! :)

Anyway, the calico one is Chloe and the orange one...well, he doesn't have a name yet. Anyone have any ideas?

And some more fun news....Aunt Tessa is here to visit!! Yay! She also brought her kitty Lolah along for the ride. Well, actually, she brought Lolah down for her (Lolah's) big surgery. Duh-duh-duh.....

Mallory thought Lolah's carrier was pretty cool, we might have to get one in a bigger size!


The Harvalas said...

No ideas for kitty names, but I do think you will need a Norwex Rubber Brush now! : )

Jay said...

Oh, cute kitties!!!!!!!!! A name eh? Um, how about Liam? Haha, the only reason I say that is because Ariel's friend Chloe has a brother named Liam (he also has red/orange hair). :)

SarahRachel said...

Those are such cute kitties!! What does Mallory think of them!? This is so crass..but the name "Firecrotch" came to my head for the red one! It's one of Lindsey Lohan's nicknames. Terrible, I know. =) I love the pic of Mallory trying to get into the carrier!

BePe Baby said...

Very cute! Hope dh doesn't kill ya :) Good luck with the naming. I can't even come up with a name for our son that is due in less then a month!!